Christ in the Carols Series Episode 1

Christ in the Carols Series Episode 1

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Hello, my walking friend! Today is the 1st episode in the Christ in the Carols series. In each podcast during this series we will listen to the lyrics of different Christmas carols and learn a little about the history of the song.

Our first Christmas carol is Hark! The Herald Angels Sing and the Bible verse we will be meditating on is Hebrews 2:17:

For this reason he had to be made like them, fully human in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people.

Let’s listen to the lyrics of Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

Hark the herald angels sing
“Glory to the newborn King!
Peace on earth and mercy mild
God and sinners reconciled”
Joyful, all ye nations rise
Join the triumph of the skies
With the angelic host proclaim:
“Christ is born in Bethlehem”
Hark! The herald angels sing
“Glory to the newborn King!”
Christ by highest heav’n adored
Christ the everlasting Lord!
Late in time behold Him come
Offspring of a Virgin’s womb
Veiled in flesh the Godhead see
Hail the incarnate Deity
Pleased as man with man to dwell
Jesus, our Emmanuel
Hark! The herald angels sing
“Glory to the newborn King!”
Hail the heav’n-born Prince of Peace!
Hail the Son of Righteousness!
Light and life to all He brings
Ris’n with healing in His wings
Mild He lays His glory by
Born that man no more may die
Born to raise the sons of earth
Born to give them second birth
Hark! The herald angels sing
“Glory to the newborn King!”

Hark! The Herald Angels Sing was written by Charles Wesley in 1739. It is said that Charles heard the church bells in London on Christmas Day, a year after he accepted Jesus as his savior, and was inspired to write the poem that would later become this popular Christmas carol. Wesley was a preacher and elder in the Methodist denomination and… he was a prolific hymn writer. He wrote over 6,000 hymns in his lifetime! And he was intentional in his desire to reach people with the gospel through song. He used his hymns as a way to teach people God’s word because he knew that many people in the world during the time when he lived couldn’t read… but they could sing! As a side note, there were two iterations to his original poem over the 30 years after it was written and Charles Wesley was not happy about that at all! But many people believe the changes enhanced the meaning and popularity of the song.
When you listen to the lyrics, you can see that it is rich in God’s word, telling us what the writer of the book of Hebrews was telling his audience – that because of the birth and work of Jesus, sinful human beings could be reconciled with their holy creator, God.

Jesus was, and is, peace on earth, and mercy mild. He reconciled God and sinners. He is the Prince of Peace, the Son of Righteousness, he brings light and life to all. And at Christmastime we celebrate his birth:
Ris’n with healing in His wings
Mild He lays His glory by
Born that man no more may die
Born to raise the sons of earth
Born to give them second birth
Hark! The herald angels sing
“Glory to the newborn King!”

Fellow walking friend, is your heart ready to burst with gratitude when you think about what our Lord and Savior did for us? Laying his deity aside in order to be the perfect, blameless, sacrificial lamb for sinners, like us? I know my heart is bursting!

Take some time now to let the words and meaning of this song, and the words of Hebrews 2:17 sink deep into your heart and soul.

You are now at the halfway point of your walk. If you need to be back in 10 minutes, this would be the time to turn around and head back.

The second half of our walk is an opportunity for reflection, meditation, and prayer. For many of us, myself included, this might feel challenging. But the spiritual rewards of developing this discipline are great and so is the power of the Holy Spirit to help us. So let’s start with some questions to guide you followed by a short interlude for reflection.

In today’s verse, we are told that Jesus became fully human to show us mercy because he would, through his life, suffer as we suffer, be tempted as we are tempted (though remain sinless), and experience human emotions. How does it make you feel to know that Jesus fully understands everything you go through in this life? Take some time to consider that now.

What were the circumstances that led you to accept Jesus as your savior? Reflect on that now.

Take some time to thank Jesus for coming to earth to reconcile you with God.

Now let’s listen again to today’s verse one more time:
Hebrews 2:17:

For this reason he had to be made like them, fully human in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people.

Is there anything else you would like to talk to Jesus about? Remember, he is right there with you, walking with you, and he is eager for you to share all that is on your heart and mind with him. Take some time to talk to and to thank Jesus now.

Now I am going to pray for us:

Dear Jesus,
Thank you for laying aside your deity to live among us. Thank you for being the only true source of peace for us, for building a bridge of reconciliation between broken, sinful people and God. Thank you for being a true friend who understands us to the core and who, not only walks alongside us in our trials and suffering, but understands, on a personal and real level, our trials and suffering. Jesus, help me remember the depth of your love for me every time I hear this beautiful song. And thank you for Charles Wesley, who took your inspiration and used his mind, heart and hands to write this carol. Help me do the same with the gifts you have given me. Amen.

Well, you did it! Another 10 minutes of walking and another opportunity to build the spiritual discipline of prayer and quiet time with the Lord. I’m grateful for you and I’m grateful you took the time to walk with me today. But more importantly, you walked with Jesus, whose birth and death reconcile us with God.

For more Walk with Jesus resources, including the Walk with Jesus 21 day scripture, devotional, and guided prayer journal book for walkers, go to You will find the URL for the show notes for this podcast in the episode description. The show notes will include a video of the carol, Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.

I hope we can walk together again tomorrow, friend. We will be learning about the carol, The First Noel. Until then, God bless you as you walk with Jesus.

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About Lynne

Lynne is a storyteller at heart who is passionate about her  faith, family, fulfilling her purposes, and fresh brew! She is an author and speaker who tells entertaining stories, both true and imaginary, that have a spiritual perspective and touch the heart.

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