Gratitude Series Episode 13

Gratitude Series Episode 13

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Hello, my walking friend! It’s time to leave your burdens behind and take some time to focus on Jesus and his gracious love for you!

Today is the 13th episode in the gratitude series. In each podcast during this series we will take some time to focus on thanking Jesus for something specific and we will have two different verses to meditate on. Today we will be thanking Jesus for our talents.

Our first verse to meditate on is 1 Corinthians 12:4-5 :

There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.

Do you ever suffer from comparisonitis? You know, that disease where you go on social media, see all the amazing things your friends are doing with their gifts and talents and then compare them to your own? Yeah, I’ve been known to have a bout or two with the illness. It isn’t pretty. And it doesn’t glorify the Lord.

When Jesus knit you together in your mother’s womb, he wove in gifts and talents, passions and dreams, especially for you. You see, he created you because he loves you and because he has a purpose for you in this world. No two human beings are alike. We are all unique with a unique path to walk in this life.

In the eyes of Jesus, no gift or talent is better than another. He doesn’t love someone more because they have more gifts or talents than you have – or should I say, your perceived gifts or talents. I believe that we each have more than we realize but we may allow fear and this disease of comparisonitis to keep us from using some of them.

But that is not what Jesus wants. He wants us to fully embrace the talents he has given us and he wants us to use them for his glory. This can be our thank offering to him, and that brings us to our second verse for today which is Psalm 56:12:

I am under vows to you, my God; I will present my thank offerings to you.

Take a little time now to meditate on today’s verses. Consider your own God-given talents. If you have hidden them out of fear or comparisonitis, ask Jesus for forgiveness and the strength to use them for his glory.

Did Jesus reveal anything special to you as you meditated on these two verses?

Here are some thoughts I had.

Every good and perfect gift is from above. One gifting or talent isn’t better than another, they are all precious and essential in the eyes of Jesus.
And a gift or talent isn’t one based on societies standards. In other words, if you can’t sing like Adele, it doesn’t mean you aren’t talented! Maybe your talent is expressing words of kindness to others. If so, use it often! Maybe your talent is being super organized. If so, help out your church with your talents, or others who struggle to stay organized. If your talent is stirring up the imagination of the little ones in your life with stories, then use your imagination to spark theirs.
In whatever way you have been gifted, use it to bless Jesus. When you do, consider it a thank offering to him for all he has done for you.

Finally, don’t let the pursuit of perfection or the fear of rejection keep you from sharing your God-given talents with the world. How that would break the heart of Jesus! He gave you these special talents, and uniquely created you to use them for his purposes and he will give you the strength to share them with the world.

Let’s take some time now to thank Jesus for our talents.

You are now at the halfway point of your walk. If you need to be back in 10 minutes, this would be the time to turn around and head back.

Now I am going to pray for us:

Dear Jesus,
Thank you for reminding me that I am uniquely made and gifted. Thank you for reminding me not to compare myself, or my gifts and talents, with others. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your plan and purpose here on earth. Help me do even the smallest acts of service with great love. Whatever I do, I want to do it as though I am doing it for you. Let this be my continual thank offering to you. Help me overcome my fear of rejection and my pursuit of perfection in order to serve you better. Jesus, thank you for loving me. I love you! And thank you for walking with me always. Amen.

Here are some questions for you to consider:

What do you think are some of your God-given gifts or talents? Take some time to think of them now.

Have you ever let fear of rejection or the pursuit of perfection keep you from using your gifts and talents? How does knowing that make you feel? Consider your answer now.

Take some time to thank Jesus, specifically, for your gifts and talents. Make a pledge to him that you will do your best to use these gifts and talents fully for his glory.

Before we wrap up, listen again to today’s verses:

1 Corinthians 12:4-5 :

There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.

Psalm 56:12:

I am under vows to you, my God; I will present my thank offerings to you.

Is there anything else you would like to talk to Jesus about? Remember, he is right there with you, walking with you, and he is eager for you to share all that is on your heart and mind with him. Take some time to talk to and thank Jesus now.

Well, you did it, my friend! Another 10 minutes of walking with Jesus. As you consider the talents Jesus has given you, think of the words of Saint Teresa who said, “You cannot do great things on the earth, only small things with great love.” Try taking little steps to use your talents as an expression of your love for Jesus.

Thank you for taking the time to walk with me today! But more importantly, you walked with Jesus, the one who made you unique and special!

For more Walk with Jesus resources, including the Walk with Jesus 21 day scripture, devotional, and guided prayer journal book for walkers, go to The November edition focuses on gratitude and is a part of this podcast series. You will find the URL for this book and other resources in the podcast show notes.

I hope we can walk together again tomorrow, friend. In our next episode we will be thanking Jesus for our treasures. Until then, God bless you as you walk with Jesus.

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About Lynne

Lynne is a storyteller at heart who is passionate about her  faith, family, fulfilling her purposes, and fresh brew! She is an author and speaker who tells entertaining stories, both true and imaginary, that have a spiritual perspective and touch the heart.

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